Bringing order to chaos and clarity to confusion

Category Podcast

112: Checking in with Captain Seth Vore

Seth Vore joins me in June 2022 to give an update on the plans he shared in December 2021. Everything has come to fruition. Seth no longer lives in his house or has a job, however he does have a new boat his family is preparing to live on for the next year as they travel.

111: No-fly Zone Safari with Lisa DiMatteo

Lisa DiMatteo joins me to revisit our previous conversation while consciously exploring new things we thought might be uncomfortable and weren’t.

110: Boats and FIRE with Seth Vore

Seth Vore shares about his local boat tour company, being debt free, retirement and the year-long adventure his family is looking forward to next year on a boat.

109: Being, Doing and Enoughness with Lisa DiMatteo

Lisa DiMatteo joins me to discuss the dance between “being & doing” and “enoughness” against the backdrop of a three week solitude retreat I experienced in October 2021.

108: Nothing Might Be Something

Wherein I read another section from The High 5 Habit by Mel Robbins and contemplate whether “action” is always the answer.

107: Just Scared

Maybe you aren’t a procrastinator, a perfectionist or broken. Maybe you’re just scared. Moving forward might be as easy as having a conversation instead of staying stuck in your head and trying to do it yourself.

106: Creating Meaning (or Not) with Aaron Graham

Aaron Graham joins me to explore the meaning we give our experiences and how it affects us. We also discuss different ways to interact with our experiences and how to restart when we’ve lost our way.

105: Alfredo Deza–Yet

Alfredo Deza shares what it’s like to be an Olympian, how he found his way to software and how others can get started there too. We also explore the power behind the word “yet.”

104: Issac Roth–Experimenting with Fidelity

Issac Roth helps me explore the grim and frustrated perspective I had on the state of the world in August 2020, and redeem it aided by old memories from OpenShift & Red Hat.

103: Decomposition, Fire and Optimism with Issac Roth

Issac Roth and I cover a wide-range of topics linked to our personal lives, our work together at Red Hat and the technology world in general–all sparked by wildfires he almost lost his house to.

102: Questioning Your Answers

I’m back in another conversation with Brad Solomon where we get into the mechanics of effective coaching.

101: What Do You Really Want?

Brad Solomon and I continue our reflections and riffs about what’s present to us. This time it’s about being present, journaling, and the power (and difficulty) of getting clear about what you want.

100: Your Four-Year-Old Self

Brad Solomon and I set off on another unplanned exploration into what’s present to us in the moment, including sharing childhood pictures of ourselves.

99: Exploring The Coaching Habit with Ken Dreyer

Ken Dreyer and I discuss The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier. Our conversation evaluates the book and examines Ken’s experiences putting it to work.

98: Full Catastrophe Living and a Shelf Full of Books

Brad Solomon and I talk about all the books we’ve started and not finished, what the full catastrophe of life is and how implementing what you know is more powerful than continuing to acquire more knowledge.

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