Bringing order to chaos and clarity to confusion

Category Productivity

Pomodoro Is the Way to Go

Leave it to a friend that you’ve been hounding to create his own blog, go and do just that and then share a productivity tip that you already know but have long stopped using. Charlie has a good post examining different… Continue Reading →

Right Hook

I always enjoy reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s books and his new one Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (affiliate link) is a little different and just as good as the previous ones. Great advice on page 14.  Obvious, but how many people are… Continue Reading →

Get Momentum

I’ve been trying out the Momentum Google Chrome plugin since learning about it on twitter and I love it.  It makes a great combination with the Pomodoro technique that’s been keeping me more focused and productive. I’m finding the Pomodoro Gnome3… Continue Reading →

Questions First Data Second

A good friend of mine was schooling me in the art of SEO and made a very simple point I thought was very important. First focus on figuring out what questions you need to answer about your business. Then search… Continue Reading →

Traffic is Up

If you are new to Google Analytics or looking for better ways to follow and understand web traffic to your site, a short, but very practical post by Darren Rowse called How I use Google Analytics ‘Compare’ Feature to Motivate Me… Continue Reading →

Business Idea Filter

Here are some criteria for determining if an idea is good from Chris Brogan and Julien Smith’s book The Impact Equation (affiliate link): 1) What’s the goal of the idea? 2) How does this idea fit my existing framework? 3)… Continue Reading →

Create Tools & Sites When You Need Them

A while back I was cleaning up a bunch of old book marks for my web browser and came across a bunch of wiki pages, etherpad pages, ticketing systems, etc. that were barely if never used. It’s tempting as a… Continue Reading →

Less Quack More Fly

Some months ago I ran out of patience when someone asked for my advice on an open source project I’d already given lots of advice to. They were trying to help a fledgling project grow it’s “open source wings” behind… Continue Reading →

Career Manifesto

Here’s a great career manifesto by Avinash Kaushik. It could also be considered a manifesto for a satisfying life in general. Take ten minutes and read it (without multi-tasking).

Minimalism in the Cloud

It was interesting to see an article in Fast Company about how millennials aren’t interested in accumulating stuff. Humanity is experiencing an evolution in consciousness. We are starting to think differently about what it means to “own” something. This is… Continue Reading →

CenturyLink DSL Actiontec C1000A Transparent Bridge Configuration

Lately I’d noticed that download speeds weren’t what they used to be and I was surprised when after calling technical support at CenturyLink they agreed there might be something wrong with my line. I assumed lots of people call in… Continue Reading →

Creating Something Valuable

Wilson Miner’s talk When We Build has an excellent, thought provoking conclusion (at 37:07 mark) about the things we create and how they affect our world.  I thought it also tied in nicely with a post Chris Guillebeau did called… Continue Reading →

Getting Your Dreams Back

One of the most moving and inspiring talks for me at WDS was Daren Rowse’s talk on following and listening to your dream. He also had some great thoughts and advice on making those dreams equal the future.  No, I… Continue Reading →

What Will You Create That Makes The World Awesome?


I recently read the Impact Equation by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith (affiliate link).  It’s a fast easy read that’s sparked lots of good ideas for me. This is so true from page 179 You get about two hundred or more… Continue Reading →

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