Bringing order to chaos and clarity to confusion

Category Personal

Defining My Mission | My WHY

Background I’m working through Chris Brogan’s Owner’s Path course, an exploration and challenge to put into practice what it means to really own your business. One of the first exercises was to set a mission statement. I spent a fair… Continue Reading →

Help Me Decide if Facebook is For Me

I recently signed up for an online course that came with a private Facebook group. I was not thrilled about it being on Facebook, but given that I wanted to get the most out of the class begrudgingly created an… Continue Reading →

Regarding Nothing

Seeing “regards” as the close to an email or letter bugs me.  Iit doesn’t make any sense and we wouldn’t say it in regular conversation as some kind of good bye. Some of my other despised favorites: “kind regards” or “warm… Continue Reading →

Scary Idea Becomes Real Podcast

For a long time I’ve been looking for a project to personally invest in. Well, it’s happened. What’s the scariest thing you can think of doing? I think it was Jonathan Fields at WDS who mentioned in passing that it’s… Continue Reading →

Never Too Late to Get in Shape

After watching Arthur Boorman’s inspiring video I came across the Bar Brothers (above) when YouTube tantalized me with something else to watch.  I was amazed at their journey and what they could do.  It inspired me to think, What if I was… Continue Reading →

Freemium Model Woes

I listen to a variety of podcasts on startups and small business.  It’s a great way to get ideas on the type of business or service that I could be successful at it.  There’s also a tremendous amount of learning… Continue Reading →

Notes From Tiny Startup Camp

A few weeks ago I attended a great event in Portland, Oregon, called Tiny Startup Camp.  I went hoping to get some clearer ideas about a product or service I could launch.  The “camp” was a great mix of speakers,… Continue Reading →

Great Car Stereo Install Experience With Sparks Garage

If you live in or around Portland, Oregon, and want a great experience upgrading or fixing your car stereo, I recommend Sparks Garage–tell Jon that I sent you.  You can go to the shop or Jon provides a mobile service… Continue Reading →

How To Start a Business With (almost) Nothing

Jonathan Fields has an inspiring review review of Chris Guillebeau’s new book, “The $100 Startup.”  Johnathan’s FTC disclosure at the bottom is hilarious and worth reading even if you have no interest in Chris’ book. It is a really good book…. Continue Reading →


Many years ago, as an internal auditor, I saw this quote pinned to the cube wall of a sprawling loan processing center in Beaverton, Oregon. We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We… Continue Reading →

10 Reasons I Don’t Follow You on Twitter

I’m not a huge twitter user, though I have found it to be an interesting and useful medium.  I don’t automatically follow everyone that follows me and in general I don’t follow back if: You’ve never tweeted anything or you… Continue Reading →

Graduating From The Sheriff’s Citizen Academy

As if 2011 wasn’t busy enough with the new projects I took on (you have tried OpenShift, right?) I also managed to find an extra 55 hours over the past few months to attend a really interesting program put on by… Continue Reading →

Portland Blind Cafe

I was moved by Dustin Kirkland’s post about his experience at the Blind Cafe in Austin, TX.  It’s coming to Portland, Oregon, in a few weeks (June 2-4, 2011) and really looks worth checking out. I’m drawn to out-of-the-ordinary experiences like… Continue Reading →

Good Looking Garbage Man

One of my 2011 goals is walking several mornings each week before work.  Most mornings I head out between 5:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.  The world is incredibly peaceful at this time and I love the stillness and being in… Continue Reading →

Why Are You Here?

I liked the quote below from a book called The Noticer by Andy Andrews (affiliate link).  I copied it into my journal several months back and came across it while searching for the highs and lows of 2010–a journal is… Continue Reading →

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