A few weeks ago I announced that we are looking for someone new to take on the Fedora Program Manager role. Have no fear TK009,  I have definite plans to keep blogging.  With a perfect record so far in 2010, there’s no way I’m going to break my streak of one or most posts every week in 2010.  There’s even the possibility of raising the bar for 2011 and increasing the goal to two posts per week.

Plans are also under way to move this blog to a self-hosted domain as I continue to enhance my understanding of WordPress.  In time it may make the most sense to drop my blog from the planet.fedoraproject.org or only flag specific posts for it.  Nothing is changing now.  I’ll make an announcement when and if they do.

Assuming the posts here take less of a Fedora focus, what topics would you like continue to read about or see more posts on?

Image by theunquietlibrary via flickr used under a Creative Commons license.