I’ve been involved in Fedora for a while. I started lurking on the Fedora lists at the beginning of 2007, and as a result of some internal organizational changes at Red Hat, received the opportunity to make Fedora part of my regular job.  It has been an exciting time to be involved in the Fedora Project. The project has grown up a lot over this time and I’m proud to have been part of it.

Imagine a Fedora project with no feature process, feature pages, detailed team schedules, release readiness meetings, blocker meetings, or Go/No-Go meetings. Over time we’ve added more process, but always in the spirit of “just enough process to add sanity and order” so that everyone knows what’s going on.  Most importantly, we’ve increased the level of transparency into how decisions are made and how anyone can participate.

If you’ve seen what I’ve done in the Fedora Project and would like to do it yourself, or think you can do a better job–now is your chance. Red Hat is now taking applications for a new Fedora Program Manager.

Why is this happening now? The best time to move on is when they are going well and improving.  Naturally a lot of thought and planning has gone into this decision for me and Red Hat. Our intention is to make this transition part of the initial work for Fedora 15.

My work in Fedora ranges from 50% to 100% of my current job at Red Hat. When Fedora is in the 50% category (and sometimes when it’s not) I juggle a few other products and occasional projects. Some of them are little known and utilize my previous background in finance while others are more visible like the recent offering of Red Hat Enterprise Linux in Amazon and IBM’s public clouds.  After transitioning my Fedora responsibilities I will focus more on Red Hat’s cloud offerings.

Admittedly there is a lot of hype and drama in the media about ”The Cloud,” but from what I can tell, Red Hat has some solid offerings in this space and I’m excited to help launch them.

Updated December 7, 2010: This was position has been filled by Robyn Bergeron.


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