I’m continuing to run RHEL 6 on my laptop and encountered a recent challenge getting a Java based collaboration tool called Elluminate Live! (now known as Blackboard Collaborate) to run on it. The necessary package is installed by default in… Continue Reading →
I’m following Fedora from afar these days, mostly from the planet and occasionally through people I know at Red Hat. Apparently some people are not happy with the direction Fedora is perceived to be going. This doesn’t come as a… Continue Reading →
The fourth quarter of 2010 has come to an end as has the year, so it’s time for a final evaluation and wrap up of the year since the first and second, and third quarter check-ups. Here’s how things went,… Continue Reading →
With less time to live on the edge in Fedora-land these days I went looking for less excitement by way of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for my Dell XPS M1330 laptop. I was motivated to take a step back… Continue Reading →
I receive occasional queries for good open source project management and scheduling tools. As you probably know by now, our scheduling tool of choice for Fedora is TaskJuggler. TaskJuggler provides a great benefit to Fedora in its flexibility as a… Continue Reading →
Last week, as part of the Fedora 14 Bugzilla Housekeeping process, all open Fedora 12 bugs were closed. Fedora 12 is now officially end-of-life (EOL). This means that no new bugs are accepted for Fedora 12, and updates, including security fixes, will… Continue Reading →
A few months back The New York Times ran a series of articles about our immersion in technology. They were really interesting if not a little convicting and ironic to find them via Twitter. Set aside ten minutes and read… Continue Reading →
Updated 2011-04-09: Click on the schedule above to navigate to the actual schedule. As of today, Fedora 15 is scheduled to GA on 2011-05-24. It’s official. Yesterday, FESCo approved the Fedora 15 schedule with a release date of May 10,… Continue Reading →
Well, we did it! We released Fedora 14 on schedule after one adjustment for the Fedora 14 Alpha. Want to know how? All the gory details are on the Fedora 14 retrospective page. Think we can make Fedora 15 even… Continue Reading →
The October 2010 issue of Wired Magazine had and interesting article titled Where Ideas Come From. These excerpts struck me in particular: KELLY: The musician Brian Eno invented a wonderful word to describe this phenomenon: scenius. We normally think of… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago I announced that we are looking for someone new to take on the Fedora Program Manager role. Have no fear TK009, I have definite plans to keep blogging. With a perfect record so far in 2010,… Continue Reading →
If you use kerberos for authentication and you’ve recently moved to Fedora 14, you may encounter this error while requesting a ticket with kinit: kinit: KDC has no support for encryption type while getting initial credentials The bug report suggests… Continue Reading →
It has been quite a journey and we’re almost to the finish line. After shipping the Fedora 14 Alpha a week late because of too many big changes at the last-minute, we released the Fedora 14 Beta on time. We’re… Continue Reading →
Approximately one month from today (November 2, 2010 at 10 AM EDT), the final release of Fedora 14 will be made available to the world. And when it is, you can get it at http://fedoraproject.org/get-fedora. We still have an opportunity… Continue Reading →
The third quarter of 2010 has come to an end and it’s time to see how my unfinished goals have progressed since the first and second quarter check-ups. 1. Weigh 180 lbs by December 31, 2010. Currently at 182 lbs…. Continue Reading →
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