How to Not Really Win An Argument by Donald Miller–I think the argumentative tone on the Fedora mailing lists has gotten better. Here are some ideas to go further. The Beauty of Damaged Goods by Carolyn Campbell– “Ah, this is… Continue Reading →
This isn’t a guide to the cheapest way to get away for the weekend. It is a guide to great food and a nice place to stay. Lodging: Youngberg Hill Vineyards and Inn. Not too far from McMinville, Oregon, but… Continue Reading →
Practical Tips for Dealing with Haters by Tim Ferris–Some good ideas and reminders for dealing with people that don’t agree with you or might not like you. I loved the tattoo stunt. How Bad Habits Create Boring Stories by Donald… Continue Reading →
The third quarter of 2010 has come to an end and it’s time to see how my unfinished goals have progressed since the first and second quarter check-ups. 1. Weigh 180 lbs by December 31, 2010. Currently at 182 lbs…. Continue Reading →
While thinking about what I got out of my vacation I also made some notes about key ingredients for having a great vacation. 1. Forget the hotel and rent a house, cabin, or condo–the cost is often the same or… Continue Reading →
I’m tempted to stop using Feedburner because it isn’t reporting new posts in a timely manner. Has anyone else has seen similar problems? A Google search isn’t turning up much. Here is the display of in Google Reader: Here… Continue Reading →
Fresh Air with Terry Gross had an interesting story called Digital Overload: Your Brain On Gadgets. Find a comfortable place and listen to it without doing anything else–no email, twitter, web browsing, etc. It was painful to not to be… Continue Reading →
Who decided that socks with sandals are wrong anyway?
David Grady covers all the angles here except calling out and repeating the same bug number multiple times.
Ever have a day that turned out like this? I took a break at the home office to do something that would make my wife happy–fix the decaying plug on our vintage waffle iron. Something felt funny as I prepared… Continue Reading →
I’m wondering if we’re starting to see a sustainable (no pun intended) trend here. Robin is making different soap and exploring fair trade and locally produced food. Raleigh Denim started a business out of their house making different jeans with… Continue Reading →
Inspired by the QA Retrospective that James Laska and the QA team created over the life of Fedora 13, I’ve created a Fedora 14 Schedule Retrospective page. Everyone participating in the Fedora 14 release cycle, from any team, is welcome… Continue Reading →
Want to get unstuck and get more done? You need this “high tech” gadget from the kitchen! The picture above is one of my secrets to success. The electronic version died and got replaced by this one from the junk… Continue Reading →
While searching for a solution to a problem with XMind, I came across this forum post mentioning VUE. I haven’t spent very much time with VUE, but it appears to be a very robust and full featured mind mapping tool. … Continue Reading →
I’ve been using XMind and getting familiar with how to use and modify its visually pleasing presentation. The biggest frustration I’ve had so far is trying to manually move and place sub-nodes on the map. Others have experienced this problem… Continue Reading →
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