
I tripped across a few things yesterday that seemed related in one way or another.

Julien Smith has a simple guide on how to quit your job in 12 easy steps.  The quitting part might be easy, but the paying the bills part maybe not so much.

Mitch Joel points to an inspiring talk by Bill Taylor (co-founder of Fast Company magazine) about innovation and mentions Umpqua Bank (Portland, Oregon) and how it uniquely serves customers and the community.  Taylor talks about the need for innovation and creativity to remain a vibrant and relevant.

Last night I watched The Company Men.  The Company Men is a story about a company that failed to remain innovative and what happened to the people blindly following its path.  It also speaks to the notion that if you make work or your company everything, you won’t have much if it disappears.

This made me think of my friends Robin and Charlie who are grappling with what the right employment mix is in Your Money or Your Life.

Innovation applies to how we live our lives and what we want our lives to be.  Where is your life or company taking you?

Image by glasseyes view via flickr used under a Creative Commons license.