Bringing order to chaos and clarity to confusion

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Portland Blind Cafe

I was moved by Dustin Kirkland’s post about his experience at the Blind Cafe in Austin, TX.  It’s coming to Portland, Oregon, in a few weeks (June 2-4, 2011) and really looks worth checking out. I’m drawn to out-of-the-ordinary experiences like… Continue Reading →

It’s a Dad Life

Who decided that socks with sandals are wrong anyway?


The book called Different gets pretty good reviews at Amazon though I haven’t read it. This promotional video for the book moved me.  It reminded me of my friend Robin and her desire to make soap in a way that is… Continue Reading →

Baby Goats

In addition to chickens and bees, our friends are raising goats.  The little guys jumping around in the clip below are only 3 days old!  I was completely taken by their energy and zeal–amazed that something so young could be… Continue Reading →

Monty Python Does The Fedora Development List

I can’t watch the sketch below without thinking about some of the Fedora mailing list threads that make me want to poke one of my eyes out.  If you listen closely I think they might be talking about package updates… Continue Reading →

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