This episode covers some of my thoughts on a recent return from vacation and how to keep the vacation glow going for as long as possible.
This episode explores the benefits for setting and agreeing to criteria before making decisions.
This episode talks about coaching and uses the recent Netflix documentary “I am Not Your Guru” as the the jumping off point. The documentary examines Anthony Robbins’ “Date with Destiny” event and his approach to helping people change.
In this episode I share a super easy way to take attendance at meetings–don’t! Instead have attendees take do their own check-in by adding themselves to the minutes (in a shared document). Then you can skip asking “who just joined?” twenty-five times.
This episode examines the process I use and suggest to decide who to invite to specific meetings.
In this episode of the podcast my friend Charlie and I talk about the frustration of status meetings. Do you like status meetings?
There’s a notion out there that project managers only care about making the schedule. While it’s easy to get fixated on it, the more I work on product releases the less I find myself caring about “the schedule.”
Not too long ago I was in a situation with a very limited amount of time and energy and had to make sure I used every minute and ounce of energy on the right things. Prioritization with Post-it notes and a Sharpie was the solution!
This episode is a conversation with my friend Charlie about how meetings drain our energy and what we can do to minimize it.
Here are my thoughts and experiences on how to deal with worries (without solutions) introduced at software project meetings.
This kicks off the first episode of the John Poelstra Show. I talk about my goals and motivations for doing this new podcast and what I hope comes of it.
This section from from page 24 of So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport is spot on: SDT (Self-Determination Theory) tells us that motivation, in the workplace or elsewhere, requires that you fulfill three basic psychological needs–factors described… Continue Reading →
I was talking to a friend the other day about ways to get more involved in the local Portland scene for networking and volunteering. Here are several avenues I’m aware of. Most I’ve tried in one form or the other…. Continue Reading →
I recently told Mike Vardy over at the Productivityist how much I love facilitating project meetings and he told me I had a to write a blog post about it. It hadn’t occurred to me how unusual I might be… Continue Reading →
One phrase I want to drop from my vocabulary is the trite and over-used term often thrown around at the beginning of meetings by a host or facilitator who says they “want to honor everyone’s time.” One big way to… Continue Reading →
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