How to Not Really Win An Argument by Donald Miller–I think the argumentative tone on the Fedora mailing lists has gotten better.  Here are some ideas to go further.

The Beauty of Damaged Goods by Carolyn Campbell– “Ah, this is the true work; building a courageous life; by daring to fail again; living the full truth you know to be.”

Broken Meetings (and how you can fix them) by Merlin Mann– “Every meeting needs a parent… Every bus needs a driver… Every meeting needs a purpose.”

5 Time Zone Tools by Simon Mackie–Always handy when you’re trying to convert to UTC or accommodate someone in another time zone.

Avoiding Momentum by Seth Godin–Sometimes it’s better not to start in case things work out too well.

Five Recent Resonations is a periodic post with five pieces of media that resonated with me.

Image by Quinn Dombrowski via flickr used under a Creative Commons license.